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Atomic Coating

  • 濕濕的上,簡單操作
  • 抗氧化、抗高溫、防腐蝕
  • 防塵疏水,水過無痕

Atomic Glaze Coating

  • 濃縮配方,用量少效果佳
  • 釉面光澤,光彩亮麗耀眼動人
  • 光滑透亮,防塵抗污

Atomic Crystal Coating

  • 漆面保護,效果持久
  • 光滑透亮 ,水亮鏡面
  • 防水防汙,抗氧化

Atomic Sealing Coating

  • 強化保護,有一層保護,漆面光澤清澈
  • 濕濕的上,水亮鏡面、增豔效果
  • 輕鬆呵護,施工方便

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    Call the customer service center

    TAIWAN 02-29030101

    SINGAPORE +6598998947

    MALAYSIA 0329359205

  • Monday to Friday 09:00-18:00 (Lunchtime 12:00-13:00 and closed on holidays.)

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  • You can also contact us:

    APGO Customer Service Center

    Call the customer service center

    TAIWAN 02-29030101

    SINGAPORE +6598998947

    MALAYSIA 0329359205

  • Monday to Friday 09:00-18:00 (Lunchtime 12:00-13:00 and closed on holidays.)

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  • Any questions? You can find the answer in the FAQ

  • You can also contact us:

    APGO Customer Service Center

    Call the customer service center

    TAIWAN 02-29030101

    SINGAPORE +6598998947

    MALAYSIA 0329359205

  • Monday to Friday 09:00-18:00 (Lunchtime 12:00-13:00 and closed on holidays.)

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  • Any questions? You can find the answer in the FAQ

  • You can also contact us:

    APGO Customer Service Center

    Call the customer service center

    TAIWAN 02-29030101

    SINGAPORE +6598998947

    MALAYSIA 0329359205

  • Monday to Friday 09:00-18:00 (Lunchtime 12:00-13:00 and closed on holidays.)

    Email us

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  • As stated in the marketing information clause of the privacy policy, I agree to receive information about the offers, services, products or activities provided by the Taiwan Branch of APGO Asia Pacific Co., Ltd. and other companies under APGP by email.

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